How to add members to the workspace


How to add members to the workspace

Building a collaborative workspace in Bounsel is a breeze, especially when it comes to adding new team members to your workspace. Here’s how you can grow your team efficiently and ensure everyone is on board for a seamless collaboration experience.

navigate to your profile icon located in the bottom left corner and click to unveil a pop-up menu brimming with options.

Select “Users” from the menu. This will take you to a dedicated page where you can oversee, manage, or tweak user accounts within your workspace.

Look for the “Add users” button and click it to open a pop-up window. This is where you’ll input the details for your new team member.

Fill in the necessary information for the new workspace user: their email, name, and role. Once completed, hit the “Send invite” button to dispatch an invitation email to the new member.

Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve successfully invited a new user to your workspace. The invitee now needs to accept the invitation through their email to join the workspace and start collaborating.

By following these steps, you’ve smoothly expanded your team within Bounsel, paving the way for enhanced collaboration and productivity in your workspace. 🌟👩‍💻👨‍💻