

Navigating the approval process in the digital age has never been easier, especially with platforms like Bounsel streamlining every step. Whether you’re approving a new contract or reviewing a document, the process is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. Here’s a simple guide on how to approve or reject a document when you receive an […]

Welcome to Bounsel! 🎉 If you’re on the journey to streamline your document management and enhance your team’s collaboration, creating a workspace on Bounsel is your first step. Let’s dive into how you can set up your workspace in a few simple steps. Don’t worry; it’s easier than you think, and we’re here to guide […]

Welcome to a world where efficiency meets innovation—where the automation of your document workflow not only becomes possible but also remarkably simple. Bounsel’s automation features are designed to transform how you manage, process, and interact with your documents. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your first automation rule in Bounsel, […]

Managing approvals is an essential part of document workflow, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved. Bounsel simplifies this process, allowing you to request approvals directly within the platform. This guide walks you through each step of creating an approval request, complete with screenshots to ensure clarity. Let’s make sure your documents move smoothly through the […]

Document states play a crucial role in guiding a document through its lifecycle, ensuring each phase is marked by specific, actionable statuses. Here’s a logical order of document states that reflects a typical workflow from creation to completion. ✅ Draft: The beginning phase where ideas are captured, and initial content is created. Created: Signifies the draft […]

When a request for access to one of your documents pops into your inbox, first, take a sneak peek to see who’s knocking on your digital door 🚪👀. Is it a familiar face from your team, or maybe a higher-up needing a look at your latest masterpiece? Identifying the requester is key 🔑. If the […]

Collaboration in document creation and revision is crucial for achieving clarity and efficiency. Bounsel’s editor makes this collaborative process intuitive by allowing users to add comments directly within documents. Here’s how to utilize the comment feature to enhance your team’s collaboration. Begin by navigating to the document section, where all your documents are easily manageable. […]

In the digital era, the ability to request signatures electronically streamlines operations and significantly enhances workflow efficiency. Bounsel offers a seamless process for sending out signature requests, ensuring documents are signed promptly and securely. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to leverage this feature. Navigate to your document and open de editor. This is where […]

Efficiently navigating through data is key in today’s digital landscape. Custom filters enable swift data sifting, focusing only on relevant information. Bounsel’s platform enhances this process with robust filtering capabilities, tailored to meet specific user needs. This guide walks you through setting up custom filters, improving your data management and analysis. Navigate to Bounsel Docs […]

In Bounsel, enhancing collaboration within your team is straightforward, especially when it comes to sharing templates. Here’s a simple guide on how to add members to a template space, fostering teamwork and efficiency. Start your collaborative journey on the template section, your central hub for template management. 🌐 Identify the template you wish to share […]

Embarking on the journey of digital document management can seem daunting at first, especially when you’re navigating a new platform. Whether you’re aiming to streamline your workflow, collaborate more effectively with team members, or simply organize your documents better, mastering the art of creating and sharing documents is essential. This guide is designed to simplify […]